👩💻 Practice 100+ Problems
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Or, anything.
When we start practicing to improve our programming skills, the very first problems are always based on numbers.
Here I am presenting problems on
➊ Simple Numbers
➋ Unit Conversion
➌ Calculation
➍ Geometry
➎ Vector
➏ Matrix
➐ Set
➑ Special Numbers
➊ Simple Numbers
➀ Find a digit at a specific place in a number
➁ Find count of digits in a number
➂ Find the largest digit
➃ Find the 2nd largest digit
➄ Find the kth largest digit
➅ Find the smallest digit
➆ Find the 2nd smallest digit
➇ Find the kth smallest digit
➈ Find generic root (sum of all digits) of a number
➉ Reverse the digits in a number
➀➀ Rotate the digits in a number
➀➁ Is the number a palindrome?
➀➂ Find sum of 'n' numbers
➀➃ Check if a number is perfect square
➀➄ Find a number in an AP sequence
➀➅ Find a number in a GP sequence
➀➆ Find a number in fibonacci sequence
➀➇ Check number divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 9
➀➈ Check if a number is primary or not
20. Given a number, print all primes smaller than it
➁➀ Check if a number is circular prime or not
➁➁ Find all prime factors of a number
➁➂ Find the GCD of 2 numbers
➁➃ Find the LCM of 2 numbers
➋ Unit Conversion
➀ Base (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, Decimal)
➁ Weight
➂ Height
➃ Temperature
➄ Distance
➅ Area
➆ Volume
➇ Time
➈ Currency
➌ Calculation
➀ Find the exponentiation of a number
➁ Find the factorial of a number
➂ Loan EMI Calculator
➃ Fixed Deposit Returns Calculator
➄ Interest Calculator
➅ BMI Calculator
➆ Item Price (considering tax, discount, shipping)
➇ Tip Calculator
➍ Geometry
➀ Find distance between 2 points
➁ Given 2 sides of a right angle triangle, find the 3rd
➂ Find 3rd angle of a triangle when 2 are given
➃ Area of a triangle when 3 sides are given
➄ Area of a right angle triangle
➅ Perimeter of a Square
➆ Area of a Square
➇ Perimeter of a Rectangle
➈ Area of a Rectangle
➉ Circumference of a Circle
➀➀ Area of a Circle
➀➁ Circumference of a Semi-Circle
➀➂ Area of a Semi-Circle
➀➃ Area of a Ring
➀➄ Circumference of an Ellipse
➀➅ Area of an Ellipse
➀➆ Suface Area of a Sphere
➀➇ Volume of a Sphere
➀➈ Surface Area of a Hemisphere
20. Volume of a Hemisphere
➁➀ Surface area of a Cube
➁➁ Volume of a Cube
➁➂ Surface area of a Cylinder
➁➃ Volume of a Cylinder
➎ Vector
➀ Find Scalar Multiplication of a vector
➁ Find addition/subtraction of vectors
➂ Find magnitude of a vector
➃ Find an unit vector along a given vector
➄ Find dot product of 2 vectors
➅ Find cross product of 2 vectors
➆ Check if 2 vectors are orthogonal
➏ Matrix
➀ Find the determinant of a matrix
➁ Find Scalar Multiplication of a matrix
➂ Find addition/subtraction of matrices
➃ Find the transpose of a matrix
➄ Find if 2 matrices are orthogonal
➅ Find inverse of a 2x2 and 3x3 matrix
➐ Set
➀ Find Union of 2 sets
➁ Find Intersection of 2 sets
➂ Find the Difference of 2 sets
➃ Find the Symmetric Difference of 2 sets
➄ Find if a set is subset/superset of another set
➅ Find if 2 sets are disjoints
➑ Special Numbers
➀ Strong Number
➁ Perfect Number
➂ Armstrong Number
➃ Harshad Number
➄ Kaprekar Number
➅ Lychrel Number
➆ Narcissistic Decimal Number
➇ Lucus Number
➈ Catalan Number
➉ Duck Number
➀➀ Ugly Number
➀➁ Abundant Number
➀➂ Deficient Number
➀➃ Automorphic Number
➀➄ Magic Number
➀➅ Friendly Pair Numbers
➀➆ Neon Number
➀➇ Spy Number
➀➈ Happy Number
20. Sunny Number
➁➀ Disarium Number
➁➁ Pronic Number
➁➂ Trimorphic Number
➁➃ Evil Number
➁➄ Amicable Pairs
⚠️ Repost Notice ⚠️
⬘ Though this is my original work, many of these problems were previously posted in [CHIRPBIRDICON]
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